The needs then and now have changed a bit, but Ferner Elektronik AB has continuously adapted and adjusted to stay ahead of our competition and provide our customers with the best instruments available and provide best value for money.
We have continuously added new product and suppliers to our portfolio, and our suppliers are manufacturing companies from all over the world within RF and digital test system, general instruments and components. When you are reading this – our portfolio may have grown more – we are all the time looking for new competitive products to suit you and help you to be competitive on a fast moving, high technology market.
Are you working within Swedish industries or Defence you have probably already heard of us. The same goes if you are within the university and school department. Ferner Elektronik is one of the biggest suppliers of test- and measuring equipment within these fields.
You are most welcome to discuss your thoughts and questions with us. If you are looking for a specific instrument type you can browse through our website and if you can’t find what you are looking for here: Contact Us! With our extensive contact network covering most parts of the world we can probably help you solve your problem for your specific measurement application.
Electronic is our life – and we breathe test and measurement!